A product proves its reliability only after years of continuous service. Because we have consistently paid close attention to high quality, starting even on the drawing board and have continued with this attitude over the last 20 years at every stage of its continued improvement, our customers have learned what it means to be able to rely on German quality.
High quality materials and components are the basis for its long life. The marob giant cleaning and maintenance unit has been manufactured using the very best components. This starts with the self-supporting water tank made with very stable, multi-layered processed fiberglass reinforced plastic including all of the other mechanical parts that come in contact with water are made of stainless steel. This guarantees a long life for the unit without any subsequent costs.
Paying attention to details make life easier on a daily basis. Practical experiences over the years continuously fine tune the marob giant system. For example the device was augmented with bumper rollers making it possible to work as close to the edges as possible.
You can also profit from the meticulously thought out and maintenance free construction of the marob giant. You will have neither the annual testing nor maintenance costs nor the high subsequent costs for intricate repairs nor expensive spare parts. The down time is reduced to a minimum because there are very few parts, which can malfunction. And should there be a defect, these are as a rule easily and quickly repaired all by yourself.